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Schools & Clubs

Do you need to complete Community Service hours as part of a school activity, boy/girl scout troop, or other project? Lighthouse Mission welcomes volunteers in need of service activities at our warehouse, program facility, and food distribution sites. Partner with our team as we serve Long Island residents in need & our team will sign off on your hours.

School & Club Volunteers, Please Note:
  • Community Service Application Waiver must be filled out prior to your service date
  • ​Students ages 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult
Fill Out Our Volunteer Waiver

All Lighthouse Mission Volunteers are required to complete our Volunteer Waiver form prior to their date of service. 

Here are ways to complete community service with Lighthouse Mission:


  • Collect Clothing & Food: Complete your hours by collecting new & gently used clothing or non-perishable foods for the Mission

    • One 55-gallon bag full of clothes = 1 hour​

    • One 13-gallon bag full of clothes = 1/2 hour

    • Two grocery bags full of food = 1 hour

Clothing must be brought during our business hours for our staff to validate.​


  • Food Distributions: Join our team at any of our ten weekly locations. For more information CLICK HERE


  • Work at the Mission: Help clean the Mission's program space, receive & stock donations, and load our trucks at the Mission's headquarters in Bellport. This community service option is available Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Saturday volunteer opportunities at our warehouse are only available to Students.

Questions & Prayer Requests

Please contact our office to arrange your hours ahead of time:


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Contact Us
Main Office

1543 Montauk Highway

Bellport, NY 11713

Tel: (631) 758-7584

Fax: (631) 447-9633

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Sunday: Closed


Lighthouse Mission is Closed on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lighthouse Mission is a private non-profit. We do not receive government funding, compensation, or any other return-on-investment for offering community service opportunities. If our team determines that these opportunities are not a good fit for you, we will ask you not to return.

Do I need to sign up in advance to do my hours?

Yes. Please call before you come in to fulfill your hours so that we are expecting you and have work for you to do. Our phone number is 631-758-7584.


Can I do community service without completing the required paperwork?

No. You need to fill out both the Community Service Application and the Waiver before your service time.


My community service hours are due today. Can you sign off on my hours before I complete them?

No. Lighthouse Mission will only provide a community service letter after your hours have been completed.


What age do you have to be to do community service at Lighthouse Mission?

Anyone can help as long as they are willing to work. For children under the age of 12, we require that an adult accompanies them.


Can I show up at any time to do community service?

No. We need you to call before you come in so that we can have jobs prepared for you.


What can I expect while working at the Mission?

There are many tasks we may have you do! You may be asked to help clean our building, organize the food for our food distributions, bag clothing, and other tasks.


What do I get to show that I completed my community service hours?

Our office team will write a letter confirming the hours you’ve worked on an official signed letterhead, or we can sign any paper work you have.


How do I get a community service letter?

To get a letter you must visit our main office where we can have it typed and ready for you to pick up. We ask you call and let us know when you are coming so that we can have the correct information and date.

I can't physically get to the Mission to serve. How else can I volunteer?

Food and Clothing Drives are great ways to help the Mission while completing your service hours. This can be done without limitations of time or differing abilities.


My child is in school. Can I drop off the clothing/food and grab the letter for them?

We prefer your child come in with you because it is their community service hours. If they are not able to come after school, we also receive donations and welcome volunteers on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm.


Can I bring my friend, spouse, or child with me?

Yes, as long as they are willing to volunteer with you. They must also complete the Community Service Application and the Waiver before joining you.


How should I dress for community service?

We recommend you wear comfortable, modest clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. Closed toe shoes are mandatory. Please do not bring valuables such as jewelry, designer bags, electronics, etc. Our team may refuse to let you serve if you do not meet these dress requirements.


Can I wear headphones while working?

No. Our building is very busy with many visitors and a working forklift. All volunteers need to be able to hear safety instructions during their entire service time.


Should I bring a snack or lunch?

Yes. If you are planning to volunteer for a while we recommend that you bring food from home. The Mission cannot provide lunches for volunteers.

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Lighthouse Mission

1543 Montauk Highway

Bellport, NY 11713

(631) 758-7584

Open Monday - Friday

9:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday:: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Closed on Sunday

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"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." – Jesus (John 14:6)

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